Category: Reflections from the field
Practice insights: Bridging the conservation and development trade-off in the Maasai Mara
The recent call to halt biodiversity loss by protecting half the planet has been hotly contested because of the extent to which people might be excluded from these landscapes. The authors of this paper argue that it is clear that incorporating landscapes that implicitly work for indigenous people is vital to achieving any sustainable targets. They examine an attempt to balance the trade-offs between conservation and development in Enonkishu Conservancy in the Maasai Mara, using a working landscape approach
Evidence from a contested landscape in Ghana
From conflict to collaboration through inclusive landscape governance: in this new paper, James Reed and fellow authors describe an engagement and visioning experience in Northern Ghana that holds lessons for ILM practitioners in so many other landscapes.
End with the begin in mind
One landscape, two jurisdictions and a visionary project that ends at the beginning: the GML project closes with resource-based working groups in Ghana’s Atiwa landscape holding action plans in their hands and empathy in their hearts.
ILM and the Art of Storytelling
As a kid, did you ever play the "broken telephone" game? The one in which you whisper something to one person who whispers it to the next and so on until a very different story comes back to you? At the Communications for ILM session during our Global Summit, we found the same result, though we're all no longer kids.
Net-maps and vision in PNG
Stakeholder identification and development of a common vision: on a learning mission to Papua New Guinea, our Central Component Coordinator highlights two of the six critical dimensions of Integrated Landscape Management.
Key ILM elements at work in our Latin American and Caribbean projects
We keep saying it; they’re showing it.
Taking the bull by the horns
Can Integrated Landscape Management contribute to sustainable cattle ranching? And vice versa?
Trust-building and leadership in multi-stakeholder forums: Lessons from Indonesia
This paper investigates the impact of trust and leadership in multi-stakeholder forums (MSFs) addressing land and resource use in Indonesia. Conflicting interests can hinder trust-building, requiring an understanding of historical relationships to improve collaboration. Different challenges within MSFs call for specific leadership styles, including shared leadership for positive relationships and charismatic leadership for conflicts of interest or lack of trust.
From Ridge to Reef
On the island of Mauritius, home to some of the world's most diverse and ecologically important forests and ecosystems, the Ridge to Reef (R2R) project is restoring and increasing native forest cover. In early 2023, members of our Central Component visited on a learning mission.
Local knowledge and practices among Tonga people in Zambia and Zimbabwe: A review
There is increasing recognition of the role of Indigenous and local knowledge systems in sustainable land use and conservation practices. However, the evidence base remains fragmented, while local knowledge remains marginalised in many national biodiversity strategies and development plans. This applies to the Tonga people of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Here, we synthesise existing evidence of Tonga knowledge and practices to explore their potential contribution to the implementation of integrated landscape approaches that aim to incorporate multiple stakeholders’ objectives in landscape-scale management.