Viet Nam
Integrated sustainable landscape management through a deforestation-free jurisdiction in Lam Dong and Dak Nong, Viet Nam
Lead implementer: UNDP
Partners: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the Provincial People’s Committees (PPCs) of Dak Nong and Lam Dong, with support from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), European Forest Institute (EFI), Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Key thematic areas
The project will work to prevent further biodiversity loss while conserving, restoring and sustainably using vital land and forest ecosystems, to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Severe environmental degradation, and few income-generating opportunities around protected areas, have been exacerbated by climate extremes and political instability in the Central Highlands. Poor natural resource management has led to severe land degradation, dissatisfaction among communities, and reduced availability of education, health, infrastructure and social services. Disruption of wildlife corridors and human encroachment on buffer areas around parks have weakened ecosystems, accompanied by an escalation in poaching to supply international wildlife trafficking networks. Ethnic minorities and indigenous communities are particularly affected by this social and environmental disruption.
To improve environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and resilience of food production models and supply chains in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam.
Over the last 30 years, Viet Nam’s Gross Domestic Product has increased by about 6% annually, while its Human Development Index has risen and poverty has fallen dramatically. But the benefits are not shared equally. Although coffee production in the Central Highlands region has made Viet Nam the world’s second-largest coffee exporter, the region is also Viet Nam’s second-most disadvantaged. Indigenous households in particular remain extremely poor. Structural challenges contributing to this include loss of forest cover, especially in the provinces of Lam Dong and Dak Nong, due to the rapid expansion of coffee, rubber and timber plantations. Agricultural land has been degraded by chemical pollution and soil erosion, and vulnerability to climate change, drought and water shortages is increased, along with the potential for conflict over scarce land and resources.
The project aims to improve environmental sustainability, social inclusion and resilience of food production and supply chains in Viet Nam’s Central Highlands. This will see a reduction in natural forest losses and degradation, with efforts to protect biodiversity, restore priority ecosystems, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve livelihoods – especially for ethnic minorities and women – in agriculture, forestry and ecotourism value chains. Food production will be sustained and quality enhanced through improved farming practices, better organization of producers and transparent, shortened supply chains.
Specific actions
Working in four districts of two provinces in Viet Nam – Di Linh and Lac Duong districts in Lam Dong; and Dak G’Long and Dak R’Lap districts in Dak Nong – this project aims to reduce emissions equivalent to about 3 million tonnes of CO2 in the area by the end of the project, supporting the work of the UN’s Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) programme. An integrated land-use plan and map will also be produced for each pilot district, with clear sustainability targets and action plans. A robust cross-sectoral monitoring and evaluation system and platforms will be developed for multistakeholder dialogues, and local institutions and farmers will be trained in sustainable production. The project will support beneficiaries on the ground to develop the prioritized agriculture and non-timber forest product and services models. The project will also carry out land-use finance mapping, as well as analysing and formulating business and financial cases to effectively engage the business and financial sector.
- Caitlin Wiesen, Resident Representative, UNDP Viet Nam, caitlin.wiesen@undp.org
- Bui Hoa Binh, Partnership for Sustainable Development, UNDP Viet Nam, bui.hoa.binh@undp.org