Central Component
The Central Component
The EU has commissioned the Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) to support the implementation of the 22 projects supported by Landscapes For Our Future. This ‘Central Component’ offers technical guidance to each of these projects, as well as helps to co-create, synthesize and disseminate knowledge and lessons from their implementation. Since reliable evidence on effective ILM practices, strategies and pathways is scarce and fragmented, the Central Component aims to assist policymakers and practitioners alike to develop and scale more impactful and inclusive landscape solutions.
The Central Component is structured into the following three core activity areas:
- Technical support
The Central Component offers technical backstopping support to implementing partners in each of the target countries, as well as to project-level implementing partners. CIFOR-ICRAF leverages its thematic and sectoral expertise to support project implementation and monitoring. This involves, among others, the establishment of a dedicated help desk, common indicators, and periodic technical support missions. - Knowledge generation and communications
In close collaboration with project stakeholders, the Central Component is systematizing the knowledge and lessons generated from the implementation of the 22 ILM projects. These will be synthesized and communicated using the CIFOR-ICRAF scientific and communications infrastructure, targeting decision-makers and development practitioners alike with demand-driven tools, guidelines, frameworks and knowledge products. - Exchange and outreach
To facilitate knowledge exchange and cross-project learning, the Central Component convenes structured engagement events with project partners. CIFOR-ICRAF works with EU Delegations and implementing partners to identify, engage and support ILM-relevant initiatives beyond the programme. Specifically, the Central Component aims to leverage the knowledge and lessons generated under the programme to inform (policy) actions that seek to mainstream and institutionalize ILM within state and non-state programming.
General inquiries
Niclas Gottmann
Kim Geheb