Ten principles for a landscape approach to reconciling agriculture, conservation, and other competing land uses

This article synthesizes the consensus on landscape approaches, highlighting their role in balancing competing land uses and achieving social, economic, and environmental objectives. The study provides 10 principles for implementation, emphasizing adaptive management, stakeholder involvement, and multiple objectives, while acknowledging institutional and governance constraints. It argues that landscape approaches are among the most effective strategies for addressing complex landscape challenges.
Published by PNAS

Disentangling the practice of landscape approaches: a Q-method analysis on experiences in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes

This paper explores landscape approaches and their applications in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes. The analysis reveals common goals of empowering local communities to preserve context-specific values. The means to achieve these goals vary based on contextual factors. Four lenses for landscape sustainability are identified. The study emphasizes the need for transdisciplinary and participatory methods in implementing landscape approaches.
Published by Springer Link

A Knowledge Review on Integrated Landscape Approaches

Holistic and multi-transdisciplinary approaches, where multiple goals are achieved in order to improve resilience in societies and ecosystems in the short, medium, and long term, are ideal, even utopian. Hence, science has come together with practical experiences that highlight the importance of working at a ‘landscape’ level.
Published in MDPI

Using Scenario Building and Participatory Mapping to Negotiate Conservation-Development Trade-Offs in Northern Ghana

In multifunctional landscapes, expanding economic activities jeopardise the integrity of biodiverse ecosystems, generating conservation-development trade-offs that require multi-stakeholder dialogue and tools to negotiate conflicting objectives. Despite the rich literature on participatory mapping and other tools to reveal different stakeholder perspectives, there is limited evidence on the application of such tools in landscape-scale negotiations.
Published in MDPI

Lessons from P4F’s Portfolio

'Landscape Approaches' provides valuable lessons on designing sustainable, integrated, and responsible practices

This report shares examples of how companies have designed and/or supported approaches to protect forests and ecosystems from across Partnership for Forests (P4F’s) portfolio. Organised by region, the publication highlights 20 initiatives, with each description including the local context and information on the drivers of deforestation, the interventions made, lessons drawn from these experiences, and the business case for the private sector.

Jurisdictional Approaches Resource Hub
Download the Landscape Approaches pdf here.

First up: who is P4F?

Partnerships for Forests, in the words of their website, catalyses investments in which the private sector, public sector and communities can achieve shared value from sustainable forests and sustainable land use.

By creating market-ready ‘Forest Partnerships’ that offer an attractive balance of risks and benefits for the private sector, public sector and communities, the programme aims to mobilise significant investment, principally from the private sector. The programme also supports demand side measures that strengthen demand for sustainable commodities, and activities to create the right enabling conditions for sustainable investment.

The eight-year programme is funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). It currently operates in Central, East and West Africa, South East Asia and Latin America.

And what is the Jurisdictional Approaches Resource Hub?

This great platform of resources is aimed at helping private sector action in jurisdictional approaches. Find out more here and access a range of publications and tools.

About this report

This report is designed to support companies and investors with operations or investments in agricultural value chains across the tropical forest belt that want to take action to achieve their landscape-level sustainability effectively.

Building on Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA), World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Proforest’s Practical Guide on ‘Landscape Scale Action for Forests, People and Sustainable Production’ (2020), this guide was created to help companies to undertake sustainable landscape and jurisdictional initiatives. It is organised into six overarching intervention types, with 20 specific activities companies can take. Written from a business perspective, it provides key points to companies thinking about undertaking similar activities, including external conditions that improve the likelihood of success and the business case for taking each activity forward.

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