Newsletter #7 | May 2024

Greetings, champions! Our landscape champions are those everyday heroes applying Integrated Landscape Management in places and spaces around the globe, and the researchers, strategizers, policy makers and funders who advocate for the process.

Sound like you?

Read on for honest conversations about power, a new series of practical guides for people like you, and the communities of practice groups we’re setting up for you to collaborate and commiserate with your peers.

Let’s talk power!

One memorable morning in northern Kenya, the dawn coffee conversation turned to a topic that rears its head all the time but is very rarely addressed directly. We invite you to settle in amongst the din of the cicadas and eavesdrop on that conversation between members of the Central Component as we chat about that ‘dirty’ word: power.


🚀  New series launch: Landscapes in Practice

We, the Central Component, are tasked with synthesizing and disseminating knowledge and lessons from Landscapes For Our Future’s 22 projects. Our new series of practitioner guides aims to do just that in order to facilitate implementation of what we proposed are the six core dimensions or elements of landscape approaches.

We’d love to hear your thoughts: these six were our initial hypothesis, subject to change as learning progresses. What do you think? Tell us in the WhatsApp community groups below.


See you in Kinshasa?

The 20th Meeting of the Parties to the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) takes place from 3 to 5 June 2024 in Kinshasa, DRC. We’ll be there to discuss Integrated Landscape Management as a solution in the Congo Basin, and to launch our new Landscapes in Practice series. If you’ll be at this prestigious regional event, let’s meet up?


What’s up in ILM? Let’s chat here.

You’re invited to join the Landscapes For Our Future community on WhatsApp, where you’ll find a range of groups in which you can share your highs and lows, questions and successes with other ILM champions. 😊

This is a space for all of us. Please invite all of your team members and partners to join this community. If you would like to create and lead a discussion group of your own within the community, we invite you to do so.

News or views to share? We’d love to hear from you as we all learn and implement the Integrated Landscape Management process together.  

– Central Component