Category: Knowledge


‘Glocalizing’ land-use and forest governance in the tropics: examining research partnerships and international forest policies affecting Brazil, DRC and Indonesia

This paper tackles both the framing and effectiveness of transnational initiatives affecting forest lands and peoples in the Global South, and the quality of relationships between institutions in the Global North and the Global South. Through more equitable research partnerships, this paper draws lessons from case studies in Indonesia (legality verification system in different forest property regimes), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (lifting of a moratorium on new logging concession), and Brazil (FSC in the Amazon region and the Amazon Fund).


Social change more important than physical tipping points

Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is currently not plausible, as is shown in a new, central study released by Universität Hamburg’s Cluster of Excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society” (CLICCS). Climate policy, protests, and the Ukraine crisis: the participating researchers systematically assessed to what extent social changes are already underway – while also analyzing certain physical processes frequently discussed as tipping points.


POLICY TOOLKIT-The Wildlife Society

You do not have to be an experienced advocate to be effective. This toolkit will provide you with a basic knowledge of the policy process and advocacy techniques to ensure you are ready to engage effectively and make the voice of wildlife professionals heard.


VCM Reaches Towards $2 Billion in 2021:New Market Analysis Published from Ecosystem Marketplace

According to the latest State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets report from Ecosystem Marketplace, the VCM grew in value towards $2 Billion in 2021. This quadrupling in market value from 2020 was driven by an acceleration of nature-based solutions trading volume and higher prices for these and other projects with non-carbon environmental and social benefits, such as clean cookstoves and water purification devices.


Practical guide for assessing soil and land health

This field manual describes the LDSF field survey methods and is designed to be used in training and as a reference in field during survey campaigns.


Lessons from P4F’s Portfolio

'Landscape Approaches' provides valuable lessons on designing sustainable, integrated, and responsible practices


The ILM cheat sheet 😊

Though each landscape is singular, landscape partnerships all encounter common challenges in carrying out collaborative action. To make the process easier, more effective and more inclusive, the 1000L initiative provides this generic, locally adaptable, conceptual process and practical guidance for carrying out ILM.


Solutions and opportunities of integrated landscape approaches

Dr Cora van Oosten's keynote presentation at GLF Climate, alongside COP27, provided an insightful overview of the whole spectrum of what is contained within ILM.


A World of Landscapes @ GLF Climate

With most of our programme’s 22 projects well into implementation, it was time to start sharing key insights and lessons. Where better to do so than at GLF Climate alongside COP27?


A place at the table is not enough: Accountability for Indigenous Peoples and local communities in multi-stakeholder platforms

Are the new platforms that promote sustainable land- and resource-use practices learning from the past, or repeating the same mistakes? By Anne M. Larson, Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti, Nicole Heise Vigil

Total Posts: 80 1 5 6 7 8