Category: Knowledge
The Power of Systems
“Landscapes are complex systems, Kim Geheb, Coordinator of our programme’s Central Component points out. So we should be thinking about Integrated Landscape Management from a systemic perspective, he argues. And then: how do we change system direction?
Landscapes in Practice: Stakeholder Identification and Analysis
Landscape condition and sustainability depends on what its stakeholders are doing. ILM practitioners cannot, therefore, avoid considering stakeholder activities. This Landscapes in Practice paper provides an overview of the key concepts and the tools and resources available for learning more.
Stakeholder engagement toolkit for ILM
SHARED is a tailored method for stakeholder engagement with evidence, managing relationships and brokering multi-stakeholder and cross-sectoral partnerships.
Practice insights: Bridging the conservation and development trade-off in the Maasai Mara
The recent call to halt biodiversity loss by protecting half the planet has been hotly contested because of the extent to which people might be excluded from these landscapes. The authors of this paper argue that it is clear that incorporating landscapes that implicitly work for indigenous people is vital to achieving any sustainable targets. They examine an attempt to balance the trade-offs between conservation and development in Enonkishu Conservancy in the Maasai Mara, using a working landscape approach
Landscapes in Practice: Iterative learning and adaptation
Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) entails dealing with complexity and uncertainty, of which the interests of diverse stakeholders are an important part. Management strategies such as Adaptive Management and Collaborative Management have emerged to address these challenges and have been operationalized as an approach called Adaptive Collaborative Management (ACM).
Sustainable Landscapes Rating Tool
The Sustainable Landscapes Rating tool supports both landscape actors and landscape investors by providing a rapid, objective, evidence-based assessment of key jurisdictional policies and governance conditions within an identified region or territory.
Landscapes in Practice: Institutionalization
Landscapes in Practice is a new series of practitioner guides to facilitate implementation of the six core dimensions of lntegrated Landscape Management (ILM). This paper discusses the importance of institutionalization and provides an eight-step strategy to achieving it.
Let’s talk power!
We invite you to settle in amongst the din of the cicadas and eavesdrop on the conversation as we chat about that 'dirty' word: power.
Landscapes in Practice: our ILM overview
Landscapes in Practice is a new series of practitioner guides to facilitate implementation of the six core dimensions of lntegrated Landscape Management (ILM). In this introductory brief, we provide an overview of what ILM is – in particular, how we have approached the concept – and the reasons why it is needed.
Landscapes in Practice: Our guides for landscape champions
The Central Component is tasked with synthesizing and disseminating knowledge and lessons from Landscapes For Our Future's 22 projects. Our new series of practitioner guides aims to do just that in order to facilitate implementation of what we propose are the six core dimensions or elements of landscape approaches.