The European Union’s Landscapes for Our Future programme supports 22 integrated landscape management projects across 19 countries and 3 sub-regions across the Global South.
Farmer-Fulani pastoralist conflicts in Northern Ghana: are integrated landscape approaches the way forward?
This paper examines conflicts between farmers and Fulani pastoralists in Northern Ghana, focusing on access to natural resources. The social marginalization of the Fulani community and their exclusion from landscape governance processes are identified as key issues. The study explores the potential for integrated landscape approaches to manage conflicts and include Fulani pastoralists in governance. Insights from Burkina Faso's experience in managing farmer-herder conflicts are presented. The paper argues that adopting more inclusive landscape approaches can reconcile diverging interests and mitigate conflicts. Urgent attention is needed to address negative perceptions, neglect of pastoral activity in development processes, and lack of inclusion in decision-making.
Multi-stakeholder platforms for cross-border biodiversity conservation and landscape governance in East Africa: Perspectives and outlook
This working paper explores multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs) for biodiversity conservation in East Africa. It assesses challenges, success factors, and the need for research on governance and monitoring. MSPs are crucial for managing biodiversity across sectors but require institutional linkages, skilled facilitation, science-policy connections, and sustainable financing.
A Knowledge Review on Integrated Landscape Approaches
Holistic and multi-transdisciplinary approaches, where multiple goals are achieved in order to improve resilience in societies and ecosystems in the short, medium, and long term, are ideal, even utopian. Hence, science has come together with practical experiences that highlight the importance of working at a ‘landscape’ level.
Using Scenario Building and Participatory Mapping to Negotiate Conservation-Development Trade-Offs in Northern Ghana
In multifunctional landscapes, expanding economic activities jeopardise the integrity of biodiverse ecosystems, generating conservation-development trade-offs that require multi-stakeholder dialogue and tools to negotiate conflicting objectives. Despite the rich literature on participatory mapping and other tools to reveal different stakeholder perspectives, there is limited evidence on the application of such tools in landscape-scale negotiations.
Local knowledge and practices among Tonga people in Zambia and Zimbabwe: A review
There is increasing recognition of the role of Indigenous and local knowledge systems in sustainable land use and conservation practices. However, the evidence base remains fragmented, while local knowledge remains marginalised in many national biodiversity strategies and development plans. This applies to the Tonga people of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Here, we synthesise existing evidence of Tonga knowledge and practices to explore their potential contribution to the implementation of integrated landscape approaches that aim to incorporate multiple stakeholders’ objectives in landscape-scale management.
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