A World of Landscapes @ GLF Climate

With most of our programme’s 22 projects well into implementation, it was time to start sharing key insights and lessons. Where better to do so than at GLF Climate alongside COP27?
View our full hour-long session recording on YouTube

A COP27 side event, GLF Climate was a venue most appropriate to LFF’s ambitions – in particular, its interest in delivering solutions and innovative practices to address the triple planetary crises. During this session, the LFF Central Component brought together relevant stakeholders and some of LFF’s projects from the Global South to highlight innovative approaches and methods to tackle climate mitigation and adaption using the Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) approach, as well as introducing the overall programme vision.

High-level speakers from the EU and ILM global experts set the stage for the programme, with particularly important messages revealing the importance the EU places on ILM as one of a basket of solutions to addressing climate change.

“It’s really our firm belief that integrated landscapes approaches can make a really meaningful contribution to alleviating the interconnected challenges of human well-being, climate change biodiversity loss and land degradation.”

– Chantal Marijnssen, Head of Unit for Environment, Sustainable Natural Resources in DG INTPA at the European Commission


5 minWelcome & quick polls  Moderator – Dominique le Roux, CC Communications CoordinatorIn person 
5 minWelcoming high-level remarks Chantal Marijnissen, Head of Unit for Environment, Sustainable Natural Resources in DG INTPA, European Commission Virtual
10 minKeynote:Integrated Landscape Management – an essential tool to address today’s contemporary climate and biodiversity objectives. Characteristics + focus on climateKeynote Dr. Cora van Oosten, GLF and Wageningen Centre for Development InnovationVirtual
10 minLandscapes for our Future Initiative – Integration and balancing stakeholder objectives.CIFOR-ICRAF LFF Programme Coordinator- Dr. Kim Geheb In person
10 minA world of landscapes- highlighting projects of the LFF Initiative, with focus on climate.  1.     Abeena Dufie Woode PM – EU LEAN, LLF Ghana
2.     Miriam Seeman, Coordinator, Water as a connector for resilient landscapes – LFF Bolivia
In person  Virtual (ESP)
18 minPanel Discussion – On Landscapes and people for ClimateDominique le Roux, Cora Van Oosten, Kim Geheb, Abeena Woode, Miriam Seeman, Etienne CoyetteIn person and Virtual
2 minClosing remarks Kim Geheb 

Policy input and engagement: 2021 Highlights

GLF Amazonia featured three Landscapes For Our Future projects and aimed to identify the threats and trade-offs deriving from pressures and interventions in these biomes, as well as potential Integrated Landscape Management solutions. 

GLF Amazonia

GLF Amazonia featured Landscapes For Our Future’s (LFF) work in South America, hosting a session entitled “Can we save the Amazon alone? Connections between the Amazon and its neighboring biomes” which focused on the diverse biophysical and socio-economic interconnections that exist between the Amazon and its neighbouring biomes. The session featured three LFF projects – those in Brazil-Paraguay, Ecuador and Colombia – and aimed to identify the threats and trade-offs deriving from pressures and interventions in these biomes, as well as potential Integrated Landscape Management solutions. 

Read the summary here.


An EU side event programme at COP 26 side event entitled, “Why Nature-based Solutions are crucial for Climate and Resilience” highlighted the crucial role of nature-based solutions in the face of impending and ongoing climate disasters, and featured Carolina Siqueira of the LFF project in Brazil-Paraguay