A place at the table is not enough: Accountability for Indigenous Peoples and local communities in multi-stakeholder platforms

Are the new platforms that promote sustainable land- and resource-use practices learning from the past, or repeating the same mistakes? By Anne M. Larson, Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti, Nicole Heise Vigil

This article, published by Elsevier, examines the role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs), smallholders and women within multi-stakeholder forums (MSFs). It looks at how MSFs can ensure voice and empowerment and address inequality, and thus be accountable to the needs and interests of IPLCs.

Are the new platforms that promote sustainable land- and resource-use practices learning from the past, or repeating the same mistakes?

-Anne M. Larson, Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti, Nicole Heise Vigil