The European Union’s Landscapes for Our Future programme supports 22 integrated landscape management projects across 19 countries and 3 sub-regions across the Global South.
The Role of Multistakeholder Platforms in Environmental Governance: Analyzing Stakeholder Perceptions in Kalomo District, Zambia, Using Q-Method
This empirical study in Zambia's Kalomo District examines stakeholder perceptions of multistakeholder platforms (MSPs) in addressing landscape challenges within a dual land tenure system. Using Q-methodology, the study identifies three narratives: MSPs as fostering dialogue, emphasizing the role of government and private sector, or addressing power imbalances. While the narratives differ, there is consensus on the potential of MSPs to harmonise policies and promote dialogue to tackle landscape challenges.
Local knowledge and practices among Tonga people in Zambia and Zimbabwe: A review
There is increasing recognition of the role of Indigenous and local knowledge systems in sustainable land use and conservation practices. However, the evidence base remains fragmented, while local knowledge remains marginalised in many national biodiversity strategies and development plans. This applies to the Tonga people of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Here, we synthesise existing evidence of Tonga knowledge and practices to explore their potential contribution to the implementation of integrated landscape approaches that aim to incorporate multiple stakeholders’ objectives in landscape-scale management.
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