Category: Videos and interviews
The Power of Systems
“Landscapes are complex systems, Kim Geheb, Coordinator of our programme’s Central Component points out. So we should be thinking about Integrated Landscape Management from a systemic perspective, he argues. And then: how do we change system direction?
Let’s talk power!
We invite you to settle in amongst the din of the cicadas and eavesdrop on the conversation as we chat about that 'dirty' word: power.
The Brussels Chat
Informal, illuminating conversation on the centrality of an integrated approach: the day after members of our programme's Central Component had delivered a presentation on Integrated Landscape Management to EU project managers, Kim Geheb sat down with the European Commission's Head of Environment and Mainstreaming and the Policy Officer for Land and Environment to reflect on the key takeaways from the session and the comments that had turned the most heads.
The EC and the lens of integration
Wouldn't you like to sit down with the EU masterminds of our programme and ask them their vision and rationale for Integrated Landscape Management? Members of the Central Component did just that recently in Brussels.
A Line in the Sand
Could a long line of grass hedge against erosion? An integrated landscape management project in Zimbabwe is proving that it might.
Solutions and opportunities of integrated landscape approaches
Dr Cora van Oosten's keynote presentation at GLF Climate, alongside COP27, provided an insightful overview of the whole spectrum of what is contained within ILM.
A World of Landscapes @ GLF Climate
With most of our programme’s 22 projects well into implementation, it was time to start sharing key insights and lessons. Where better to do so than at GLF Climate alongside COP27?
Old wine in new bottles?
Are Integrated Landscape Approaches just another development fad? Or are they a feasible solution to landscape scale development and climate challenges?
Policy input and engagement: 2021 Highlights
GLF Amazonia featured three Landscapes For Our Future projects and aimed to identify the threats and trade-offs deriving from pressures and interventions in these biomes, as well as potential Integrated Landscape Management solutions.