


People and nature together can reverse the damage to our planet
20 - 22 Jun 2023. LOCATION


2 to 11 November 2021


Glasgow and online.



The climate challenge and our solutions

The latest climate data reveal that we’re falling short of achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) estimates that by 2025, emissions will be almost 60 percent higher than in 1990. It notes that countries’ nationally-determined contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement must be fully financed in order to be met, and should also be more ambitious.

To halt global warming, we need to follow a more rigorous course. This must be done swiftly: we need to act now, and have no time to lose. And, we need to do so in ways that promote harmony between nature and people – that is, through nature-based solutions.

CIFOR-ICRAF offers more than 65 years of global experience working on integrated solutions involving people and nature, to achieve both economic and environmental goals. We offer actionable measures to help countries and others achieve their climate goals.

In these pages, we make some of our key climate research easily available to you, and share practical examples in which nature-based solutions have been successfully implemented to address the climate challenge and achieve wider ecosystem benefits – both for nature and for people.

Download factsheets

For media inquiries contact: cifor-icraf-media@cgiar.org