In 2019, the EU launched the 5-year Landscapes For Our Future programme, which now supports 22 ILM projects, spanning 19 countries and 3 sub-regions across the Global South. Offering solutions to context-specific land use challenges, Landscape For Our Future will advance goals relating to:
- food and nutrition security, job creation and resilient and sustainable agriculture;
- climate change mitigation and adaptation; and
- biodiversity and land/forest ecosystems conservation, restoration and sustainable use.
Supported projects encompass a wide range of thematic areas, ranging from biodiversity and landscape conservation to climate smart agriculture and sustainable value chain development.
Country/Sub-region | Name of the country/sub-regional project |
Bolivia | Water as a connector for resilient landscapes in Bolivia |
Brazil-Paraguay sub-region | Integrated sustainable landscape management in the Cerrado Biome in Brazil and Paraguay |
Burkina Faso | Participatory management of protected area peripheries in the PONASI landscape |
Cambodia | Integrated sustainable landscape management of the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve in Cambodia |
Cameroon | Ecosystème du Nord Cameroun : vers une approche intégrée du paysage (en abrégé EcoNoCam) |
Chad-Central African Republic sub-region | Sustainable management of the Chari River basin |
Colombia | ‘Herencia Colombia’: Supporting the new integrated Colombian approach to territorial governance in sustainable, productive and resilient landscapes |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | New landscapes of Congo |
Ecuador | Andean landscapes – promoting integrated landscape management for sustainable livelihoods in the Ecuadorian Andes |
Ghana | Landscapes and Environmental Agility across the Nation (LEAN) |
Honduras | Climate for biodiversity: reducing supply chain deforestation |
Jamaica | A Jamaican path from hills to oceans |
Kenya | Kenya Rangelands Ecosystem Services Productivity (RangER) Programme |
Laos | Ecosystem conservation through integrated landscape management in Lao PDR |
Mauritius | Mauritius from Ridge to Reef (R2R) |
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) | Integrated landscape approaches and investments in sustainable land management in the OECS |
Papua New Guinea | Strengthening integrated sustainable landscape management in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea |
Sao Tome | Development of sustainable agro-forestry models through integrated land management approaches for climate change adaptation and mitigation, ecosystem conservation and economic development |
Senegal | Reforestation and resilience to protect Senegal’s territories and ecosystems |
Timor Leste | Initiativa vertical maloa |
Viet Nam | Integrated sustainable landscape management in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam through deforestation-free jurisdiction |
Zimbabwe | Sustainable Integrated Landscape Management in the Gonarezhou National Park and surrounding communities, Zimbabwe |